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September 26, 2005

SEPTEMBER 26, 2005


The regular monthly meeting of the Old Saybrook Police Commission was held on Monday, September 26, 2005 at 7:30 p.m. at the Old Saybrook Town Hall.  PRESENT:  Chairman Conklin, Commissioners Burnham, Dobratz, Gallicchio, Seaforth, Sparaco and Winkler.  Also, Lt. Stuart reporting in Chief Mosca’s absence, Lt. Barrows, Lt. Spera, Ptl. Barnes and Ptl. Gardner.

Chairman Conklin called the meeting to order at 7:33 p.m.

1.  Minutes
Chairman Conklin asked for approval of the minutes of the July 25, 2005 meeting, noting a meeting was not held in August.  After some discussion, motion was made by Comsr. Sparaco and seconded by Comsr. Dobratz to approve the Minutes of the July 25, 2005 meeting, as submitted.  Motion carried by unanimous vote in favor.

Chairman Conklin stated that Lt. Stuart would be reporting in place of Chief Mosca, who was away.  Lt. Stuart explained that the Chief was attending the annual national conference of the International Association of Chiefs of Police, and was being installed as Parliamentarian.  Lt. Stuart stated this is a very important position in that organization, and the department is proud that the Chief is receiving this recognition.

2.  Comments From the Public
There being no members of the public present, no comments were made.

At this time, Chairman Conklin asked Ptl. Charles Mercer to step forward.  He presented Ptl. Mercer with a pin commemorating his selection as Exchange Club Officer of the Year for 2005.  Congratulations were offered to Ptl. Mercer by each commissioner.  Ptl. Mercer thanked the commission and returned to patrol duty.

3.  05-06 Operating & Capital Budget
Lt. Stuart stated that with 21% of the fiscal year having passed, 32% of the budget is expended.  He reported on several line items, and specific discussion was had regarding gasoline.  Lt. Stuart reported that a memo was sent on September 6, 2005 from Chairman Conklin to the chairman of the Board of Finance, indicating he expects the department to have a shortfall in the gasoline line item which could be as much as $20,000.  The department pre-bought 7,200 gallons to lock in a price of $2.81 per gallon, including taxes.  This purchase heavily expended the gasoline line item and affected the bottom line of the Expenses and Supplies area of the budget.

Lt. Stuart then reported the department has taken delivery of the new 2006 patrol car, which is currently being equipped, and should be on the road soon.

4.  Personnel
Lt. Stuart reported the following personnel matters to the commission:

Det. Sgt. Heiney returned to full duty on September 19th, and Ptl. Bergantino is expected to return sometime in October or the beginning of November.  He has required no more surgeries and is progressing very well.

Lt. Stuart asked Ptl. Gardner to report on the hiring process currently underway for part time communications technicians.  Ptl. Gardner reported the department has advertised for part-time communications technicians and plans to hire two or three to supplement the full time staff.  He explained there are currently two part time communications technicians, and that their full time work schedules have recently prevented them from taking shifts the department most needs to fill.  The department has had to schedule full time technicians at overtime pay to fill these shifts, and would like to increase the number of part time personnel to reduce the number of overtime shifts.  These new communications technicians should finish training by the end of the year.  

Lt. Stuart reported there is a new town website, and asked Ptl. Gardner to demonstrate and explain the department’s site.  Ptl. Gardner gave a brief history of the department’s website and its growth and development.  The new town website includes the Police Department, which was given unlimited space.  Ptl. Gardner demonstrated the website, which is, showing the large amount of information it offers about the department, personnel, vehicles, contacts and services, and how to navigate through the website.  He reported the department’s plan is to have information available to the public such as forms, press releases, case information, events and directions to cut down on incoming calls and streamline services.  The Commission congratulated him on a job well done.

Lt. Stuart asked Det. Sgt. Heiney to update the commission on the accreditation process.  Det. Sgt. Heiney first thanked the commissioners for the gift basket and the many calls, visits and well-wishes he received during his administrative leave after being shot.  He then explained that during the weeks he was on leave, he was unable to attend the meetings of the committee that was reviewing the accreditation process and standards, and was tasked with making the process and standards less cumbersome while remaining effective.   He reminded the commission he had submitted 3 policies for their review and approval, and stated that those and any that were previously approved may have been changed by that committee, of which he is a member.  He stated he would be attending a meeting the next day, and would be brought up to date on changes. He said he understands that the report of the State Police investigation into the May 3rd shooting has not been finished, and said that report may be used to improve the three proposed policies, all of which have to do with firearms and shooting.  He expects to update the commission at the October meeting.  Chairman Conklin told Gean it is great to have him back safe and sound, and all members expressed agreement.

Lt. Stuart reported that all commissioners had copies of the School Resource Officer report, and that Ptl. Barnes was present if they had any questions.  He also reported the department is proud to have an SRO in every school now, including St. John’s.  Ptl. Barnes was asked the status of the Explorer program, and he reported he has received more applications and expects the program to be under way soon.  

5.  Traffic
Lt. Stuart asked if commissioners had questions or comments about the proposed town ordinance forwarded to them regarding use of golf carts and other motorized wheeled vehicles.  Chairman Conklin said he felt Lt. Stuart had done a nice job in developing the policy.  Comsr. Seaforth asked if the policy would affect current use of golf carts on the roads, and Lt. Stuart said there would be no impact on licensed drivers.  He stated the purpose of the ordinance would be to control use by children, not licensed adults or seniors who depend on motorized units to get around.   He explained the process by which this proposed ordinance would be passed, going next to the Board of Selectmen for endorsement, and then to town counsel to be sure wording is correct and legal, and then to a town meeting for a vote.  Lt. Stuart asked for approval by the commission to forward this proposed ordinance to the Board of Selectmen.  Motion made by Comsr. Winkler and seconded by Comsr. Burnham to approve the proposed golf cart and other motorized wheeled vehicles ordinance.  Motion passed by unanimous vote in favor.

6.  Training
Lt. Stuart reported that Chief Mosca and Lt. McDonald have taken legal update classes on all new laws that will be effective on October 1st.  Lt. Mc Donald will provide in-house training of officers on these new laws.  Comsr. Sparaco said he would like to see a “zero tolerance” approach to enforcing the new law prohibiting use of hand-held cell phones while driving, once a period of time has passed and drivers should be aware of the law.  

At Lt. Stuart’s request, Lt. Spera explained the department’s plans to compile an after action report of the shooting on May 3rd.  He said that after the final firearms review and the State Police Reports are done, the department will look at how the incident was managed, looking for both best practices and areas of needed growth.  This will be done by studying reports and interviewing department personnel for their opinions and views.  A verbal report will be made to the commission at the conclusion of that process.

7.  Events
Lt. Stuart reported that the art show held in July, the concert and motorcycle ride in August, and the road race held on Labor Day went off without a hitch.  He felt the department did an outstanding job.  He reported that after the fireworks on July 4th, the department surveyed members of the department, asking them to identify what worked well and where improvements were needed.  Many good suggestions were received and put into use, which seemed to really help.  There are still some areas of needed improvement, which the department is working to resolve.

Lt. Stuart reported the department sent 45 department tee shirts to the Mississippi Chiefs Association in response to their request for shirts with police identification for officers working in the Hurricane Katrina damaged areas.  He then asked Lt. Spera to speak about the town’s relief effort in response to the extensive damage caused by that hurricane.  Lt. Spera described the inception and process of developing a plan and choosing the town of Empire, Louisiana as a sister town to receive aid from Old Saybrook.  Lt. Spera described the town’s size and condition, and how residents of Old Saybrook, a town of 10,000 will be able to help the residents of Empire, a town of 2,000, rebuild.  He explained that Old Saybrook funds will supplement what FEMA provides, and that Old Saybrook will work closely with the Empire parish president and Larry Hooper, a resident of Empire and past resident of Old Saybrook, to identify needs and provide solutions.  

8.  Correspondence
Correspondence received since the last meeting was circulated for commissioners to review.

9.  Activity Report
Det. Sgt. Heiney reported that since the July 25th meeting, the department handled 4,120 incidents, exclusive of administrative incidents, and issued 677 citations totaling 2,344 charges.  He informed the commissioners of various cases including apprehension of a fugitive from Texas, two separate arrests for Risk of Injury to a Minor, one for leaving a child in a car in a parking lot and one for possession of drugs and paraphernalia in a car with a young child.  He stated there were 15 narcotics cases with arrests, several larcenies and thefts, some involving forgery, and arrests of three youths for assault and criminal mischief stemming from a fight over video games.  Det. Sgt. Heiney updated the commissioners on sentencing in a case from three years ago where two individuals robbed The Gap.  Both have pled guilty and will be sentenced to six years in prison.  He also reported that an Old Saybrook resident who was charged two years ago with assault and fraud has pled guilty and will be sentenced to 8 years in prison for the fraud.  This case was passed to federal authorities because it involved wire fraud and tax evasion.  The assault charges are still pending.

10.  Comments & Concerns of Commissioners
Chairman Conklin stated that five commissioners were able to attend the New England Chiefs of Police annual banquet at which Ptl. Bergantino, Det. Sgt. Heiney and Ptl. Mercer were awarded the NEACP Medal of Valor in connection with the May 3rd shooting incident.  He said it was touching to see the number of fellow officers who attended and the outpouring of support he witnessed.  

Comsr. Gallicchio reported recent progress made by the town’s Communications Committee with regard to the communications system upgrade project.  In addition to information in a memo sent to First Selectman Pace and copied to the Police Commission members, he indicated that more testing was recently done on the SBC property and that preliminary results show no problems.  He expects a determination to be made soon regarding sale of the property to the town.  He said the reason for the time this project has taken is that SBC has four different attorneys who specialize in different areas requesting different tests and information before approving the sale.  He feels, however, that the process is nearing completion.

Chairman Conklin said that if the sale does go through, enabling the communications plans to move forward, there will be discussions of whether to revamp the police building or start new.  He expressed hopes that the department building project will come back to the top of the pile of things to be done.  He reviewed the process that had begun a few years ago to determine the needs of the department, and stated there have been some new thoughts brought forward including moving the building back to provide a parking area for the theater (old town hall) across the street.  Chairman Conklin expressed his hopes that the commission will be talking about possibilities in the near future.

Comsr. Burnham expressed concern with people running red lights in town—particularly at the corner of Main Street and Old Boston Post Road by the firehouse, and at the intersection of Route One and Schoolhouse Road.  She has noticed people running those lights regularly.  Lt. Stuart stated that over the past three weeks, the department has focused on the traffic lights in town due to a complaints from a members of the public.  He said he would have the length of the yellow light phase and the delay before the green light checked because Comsr. Burnham felt that might be part of the problem, and will see that officers continue their focused enforcement of traffic light laws.

Comsr. Gallicchio asked the status of the follow up postcards discussed at the last meeting, and Lt. Spera responded that Sgt. Hull has made some samples.

Comsr. Gallicchio asked what was done about the request for additional parking spaces at a house behind Dunkin Donuts, and Lt. Stuart reported the Zoning Board gave approval of the plan with
no additional parking spaces.

Motion made by Comsr. Gallicchio and seconded by Comsr. Seaforth to adjourn the meeting.  Motion carried by unanimous vote in favor.

Meeting adjourned at 8:41 p.m.


                                                        JoAnne Klingerman
                                                        Executive Assistant

These minutes are subject to approval by the
Old Saybrook Police Commission at its
October 24, 2005 meeting.